First Trial

Hello,my name is Oei Yosephine.I was born on 15 January 1994 in Surabaya and basically my age is 22 years old.My nickname is Yosi but usually only my close friend will call me with that.I am the youngest in my family.I have a brother and a sister. Now,I am a student in Widya Mandala university and I took English major.
Besides learning English,I'm learning about coffee too.I learn how to make a good cup of coffee,how to serve it with the right way by manual brewing or with machine and of course,I learn a little bit about latte art (and this is the hardest part).Actually, coffee isn't really my thing,I prefer tea over coffee but after I saw my boyfriend who has a really deep passion in coffee (in fact he is a bean trader and recently became a barista) I'm interested to learn it too.What people know about coffee is that it's a hot,dark and bitter.Don't get me wrong,I thought like that too at first.But the thing is that is not fully true.Coffee has other taste too.It has the sweet,fruity taste or even vanilla and chocolate.There are a lot of kind of beans with different taste.The courage and passion lead us to open a cafe.Well,it's one of my dreams that I can have my own cafe.It's not easy to run this kind of business because there are a lot of competitors out there.But this year with the God's blessings I hope we will be able to open our cafe.

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